Allowing students to hand in after the deadline
Allow all students to hand in after the deadline, or give a subset of students a deadline extension manually.
Deadlines in CodeGrade are hard by default, meaning that students cannot hand in after the deadline anymore. Sometimes, you may want to allow all your students to hand in after the deadline or give a small subset of your students a deadline extension manually.
Depending on your needs, CodeGrade offers two methods to allow this:
Allow all students to submit after the deadline by giving them a course-wide permission.
Give a subset of students a deadline extension on a per-assignment level.
1. Allow all students to hand in after the deadline with a course-wide permission:
Navigate to the "Course Management" page of your course.
Go to the "Permissions" tab and search for the "Create submissions after the deadline" permission.
Enable this permission for students by checking the box in the Student role column.
Students can now still hand in after the deadline. Late submissions via permissions will always be visibly marked, so you can easily differentiate them.
Students can not hand in after the lock date using the permission explained in this guide, meaning the lock date can be seen as a second deadline. To allow students to also hand in after the lock date, give them the permission 'Upload after lock date' too.
2. Give a subset of students a deadline extension for an assignment
Create a Section with the subset of students that are given a deadline extension in your course. Call this Section (for example) "Deadline Extension". Click here to learn how to set up a Section in your course!
Navigate to the General tab of the Assignment Management Page for the assignment you want to give students a deadline extension for.
In the Schedule section, add a new Schedule by clicking the "+ Add" button.
In this new Schedule, select the just created "Deadline Extension" section in the "For" field.
Fill in the remaining settings for your extended deadline, including the Availability, Deadline and Lock Date settings.
Press Submit to save your extension.
The students in this Section will now have different Schedule settings (e.g. deadline and availability) than other students. As they simply have a different deadline, their submissions will not be marked as late. You can set up multiple extensions for different Sections per assignment.
Last updated