🚀Getting started

Learn how to get the most out of CodeGrade as a student!

CodeGrade is made to give you the best feedback as quickly as possible. Find out how you can get the most out of CodeGrade and learn how to use some of the tools that your teacher may ask you to use.

🚀 Let's get started and hand in our first submission, in which platform do you work?

🚀Getting started in Blackboard🚀Getting started in Brightspace🚀Getting started in Canvas🚀Getting started in Moodle

🎓 Not using any of these platforms? Learn how to use CodeGrade without them!

🚀Getting started in CodeGrade

Below, you will find Advanced Features in CodeGrade. These will not be turned on for every assignment and may only be available for you once in a while.

đŸ‘Ĩ Handing in as a group

Some CodeGrade assignments will allow or need you to join a group and upload to them as that group. Learn more about joining groups and handing in for your group here:

đŸ‘ĨHanding in with a group

🧩 Handing in using GitHub or GitLab

Some CodeGrade assignments will allow you to connect your GitHub or GitLab repository to that CodeGrade assignment, so that you will automatically hand in every time you do a git push.

đŸ“ĨHanding in using Git

📝 Giving Peer Feedback

Some assignments in CodeGrade will need you to review and give feedback to your peers after the deadline has ended. Learn how to do that in the guide below:

📝Giving Peer Feedback

🏆 Doing a Final Exam in CodeGrade

Your teachers can also give final code exams inside CodeGrade, this is nice for you as the workflow will be very similar to the other CodeGrade assignments you had. Learn how to join these exams using the specials links and how final exams work in the guide below:

🏆Doing a Final Exam

❓ Asking questions about your code

Most CodeGrade assignments have student questions turned on, meaning that you can ask questions about the code to your teachers inside CodeGrade.

❓Asking Questions

đŸ’ŗ Enrolling in a paid CodeGrade course

Some institutions offer paid courses in CodeGrade, in the guide below you will learn step by step how you can securely pay to enroll in such a course.

đŸ’ŗEnrolling in a paid course

Last updated