Using CodeGrade in Safari

CodeGrade is often used as a third-party tool in LMSs such as Canvas. CodeGrade requires third-party cookies to be enabled in your browser in order for it to send and receive information from the LMS.

When using Safari, you might encounter this error when viewing a CodeGrade assignment as an iframe within the LMS:

This error is caused because Safari's default privacy settings prevents third-party cookies which CodeGrade needs in order to collect and send data to your LMS system. This issue can be resolved by following these steps:

Enable cross-site tracking

  1. Open Safari on your Mac.

  2. Choose "Safari" > "Settings" in the Apple toolbar at the top of your screen.

  3. Navigate to the "Privacy" tab.

  4. Disable the "Prevent cross-site tracking" option by unchecking the box beside it.

Enable cookies

  1. Navigate to the "Advanced" tab.

  2. Disable the “Block all cookies” option by unchecking the box beside it.

Last updated