đ¤Add Automatic Grading
Let CodeGrade AutoTest do the dirty work for you and automate (a part of) your grading!
Last updated
Let CodeGrade AutoTest do the dirty work for you and automate (a part of) your grading!
Last updated
The last step of setting up your assignment is to set up automatic tests. To create an AutoTest, navigate to the AutoTest tab, select AutoTest v2, then press Create. Alternatively, use the Copy option to copy an AutoTest setup from another assignment you have created.
Next, click on any of the languages below to get a language-specific guide for setting up autograding.
Create your first Python assignmentCreate your first Java assignmentCreate your first C assignmentCreate your first C++ assignmentCreate your first C# assignmentMake sure to check the list of Automatic grading guides for more languages!
Is your language not listed? Get in touch with us at support@codegrade.com for a specialized consultation!