💳Enrolling in a paid course

Some institutions offer paid courses in CodeGrade, in this guide you will learn how you can enrol in such a course.

You have to pay to enroll in some courses offered with CodeGrade, this is done easily and securely via our online payment system. This guide will show you step by step how you can enroll in a paid course in CodeGrade.

Have a coupon code? Click here to learn how to use a coupon to enroll in a paid course in CodeGrade.

  • Sign up or sign in to CodeGrade or access CodeGrade via your Learning Management System.

Opening a paid CodeGrade course via your Learning Management System (e.g. Canvas, Blackboard, Brightspace, Moodle, etc.): Open any assignment in the course to navigate to a CodeGrade window (inside your LMS) and payment window.

Signing up or in to CodeGrade directly: After logging in you will find an overview of your courses and you can navigate to the course you have to pay for.

  • Click on the link in the payment message (or the Checkout button). This will take you to the checkout page. Select the "Pay by card" option to pay by card. Do you have a coupon code?

🎟️pageUsing a coupon to enroll in a course

Having trouble opening the Checkout page from your LMS? This page is opened in a new tab as a pop-up, which may be blocked by your browser. Allow opening pages in a new tab / allow your LMS website to open pop-ups in your browser to fix this.

  • On the payment page fill in the required Credit Card Information and Billing Address. Please carefully confirm the course name and subtotal before pressing the "Pay" button.

  • After a successful payment, you will redirected back to CodeGrade and get a confirmation on the top right corner and a confirmation email (please carefully save the data in this email, as this is important data if you ever need support and includes your username).

  • You can close the confirmation message and will be able to start handing in to the CodeGrade assignments in the paid CodeGrade course.

You are now ready to start using CodeGrade and handing in to your assignments! Learn how to use CodeGrade below: 👇

🚀pageGetting started

Want to request a refund for a paid course you enrolled in? Follow the guide below: 👇

pageRefunding a paid course

Last updated