Adding custom descriptions for tests

Make your tests more understandable for your students by adding a custom description to them!

Test descriptions will by default explain what your test does, e.g. Run java SudokuSolver and match its output to an expected value. This is sufficient for most tests that you create, but sometimes you may want to add a custom description to your test, so that students can better understand what this specific test is checking and so they can easier identify how they can solve possible mistakes.

  1. Navigate to the AutoTest test that you want to add a custom description.

  2. Click on Advanced Options to find the 'Description template' field.

  3. Type your custom description for this test, you may use substitution variables depending on the type of test. The full list of substitutions can be found underneath the input field and most of the times includes {name} and {command}.

  4. Before saving, use the Toggle Preview option to check the formatting of your description.

  5. Press Save to save your custom description.

You can also add a custom description to sub-steps of an I/O Test.


When you have a run program step that executes javac and the following template:

Checks if your code can be compiled, using {command}. If your code does not compile, please refer to **chapter 3** for tips to debug your code.

The message visible to students will be:

Checks if your code can be compiled, using javac If your code does not compile, please refer to chapter 3 for tips to debug your code.

The {command} was replaced by your command, and as the field is rendered as markdown**chapter 3** was replaced by "chapter 3" in bold.

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