Installing new software

We designed AutoTest to work for any programming language, tool and framework. Meaning that you can install any software you need to make it work.

Some programming assignments will require you to install pre-requisite software, either to run or compile student code (think frameworks or libraries) or to better assess student code (think unit test frameworks, linters or language specific testing software)

As of writing, CodeGrade AutoTest runs Ubuntu 18.04.2 LTS, any software available for this platform can be installed or uploaded.

CodeGrade already provides a set of most common software pre-installed on AutoTest. If your software is not in this list, you can follow the steps below to learn how to install this on AutoTest:

  1. Under the AutoTest tab, locate the Upload fixtures section and click on Click here or drop file(s) add fixtures and test files to upload any necessary fixtures, if required to install or upload your software.

  2. Subsequently, the required software can be installed by writing the install command in the Global setup script to run input field and click on Submit button next to it. Now, every time the machine is turned on, this software is installed.

  3. This software is now ready to use and can be directly used in our Autotest setups.

You can interact with AutoTest as you interact with a regular Ubuntu command line.


  • Uploading a setup script ( as a fixture and using it to configure the environment using ./$FIXTURES/ in the Global setup script to run.

  • Installing new Ubuntu packages using the command sudo apt-get install -y PACKAGE_NAME.

  • Installing a new Python3 package using pip3: sudo pip3 install PACKAGE_NAME.

Last updated