Stopping or changing your AutoTest

After starting your AutoTest and opening your assignment to students, you may sometimes still need to make changes to it. This guide explains how to do that and what you and your students can expect.

After starting your AutoTest and opening your assignment to students, you may sometimes still need to make changes to it. This guide explains how to do stop, re-configure and restart your AutoTest, and what your students can expect when you do that.

Stopping an active AutoTest

It is possible to stop your active (running) AutoTest at any time. Simply press the "Stop" button to do so. You can do this at any stage of your assignment, even if it is open to students or if students already have submissions with AutoTest results.

Student Experience after stopping your AutoTest

If the assignment is active and students have already submitted, stopping an AutoTest will delete all current AutoTest results for your students. Clicking on the AutoTest tab will show the students that the AutoTest has not been run. Rubric categories that are linked to AutoTest will be emptied and automatic grades may change for a student.

Students will only notice a restarted AutoTest if they actively look at their submission results while the AutoTest is stopped. After restarting, new and updated results will be directly visible again. The students are not automatically notified about AutoTest changes.

If your AutoTest will be turned off for a longer time or during a busy period, it may be a good idea to send a notification about this to your students to inform them that they will temporarily not be able to access their AutoTest results.

Restarting your AutoTest

After making the desired changes to your AutoTest, you can safely restart it by just pressing the "Start" button again. It will then automatically run on all previous student submissions, generate results for them and fill in their rubric.

Did you manually overwrite any grades? You can safely restart your AutoTest, this will update all automatic grades but will not change manually overwritten ones. The AutoTest results and rubric results will be updated though, without any effects to the final grade.

Last updated