Upload files to AutoTest

Upload files from your computer for use in your tests.

Often, we require additional files to complement our tests in CodeGrade. Here are some examples of files that you may need to upload to AutoTest:

  • Unit tests Unit test files like Pytests or JUnit tests can be uploaded rather than created directly in CodeGrade.

  • Data files SQL or R projects often require a dataset for the students' programs to work with. Upload it for them to reduce the file size of submissions.

AutoTest v2 makes it extremely simple for you to upload and manage files uploaded to CodeGrade. using the Upload Files block. Some benefits include:

  • Editing the file You can Edit your uploaded files directly in CodeGrade by clicking on their names. This will open an editor where you can make direct edits to the file.

  • Adjusting the filename Adjusting the filename is possible by clicking the pencil icon to the right of the filename.

How to upload files to AutoTest v2:

  1. Navigate to the Setup portion of the AutoTest settings.

  2. Click to add the Upload Files block to the bottom of your Setup configuration or drag-and-drop the block to the desired location.

  3. Click the highlighted window in the block to open your local folder manager and select a file to upload or drag and drop a file from your desktop directly into the block to upload the file.

Each block in the Setup portion of AutoTest is cached after running it for the first time. So place steps that aren't going to be edited at the top of your configuration to save time when testing your AutoTest configurations!

Last updated