Import Community Library content

Import assignments created by other CodeGrade users using the Community Library

In some cases you may not have the time or the knowledge to implement your own assignments from scratch. For that reason, we you can use the Community Library.

The Community Library offers you the opportunity to import assignments designed by us or other CodeGrade users into your own course.

How to import an assignment from the Community Library:

  1. Begin by creating a new assignment and navigating to the assignment settings.

  2. At the bottom of the General settings, in the "Danger zone", find the "Copy assignment" settings.

  3. Click on the "Community Library" option to start the import wizard.

  4. First, select the programming language for which you would like to import an assignment.

  5. Then, click on an assignment to look at its contents.

  6. Check the assignment description, submission settings, rubrics, AutoTests the example submission.

  7. When you're sure you want to import the assignment simply click "Import" at the bottom-right hand side of the modal.

Last updated